Our services

We take your online sales to another level when you outsource them to us.

Expand into new markets and sales channels with us. We help you provide a first-rate customer experience with our D2C model.


Our offering

What we do

Outsourcing your online sales and related processes to T-Data allows you to focus on your resources and develop your business. How do we do that? Thanks to integrated solutions that can transform your e-commerce into a business powerhouse. We provide six services based on your needs, two of which involve the best market players to create your online shop and implement digital marketing on the most popular marketplaces.

In partnership with the best players

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The potential of full outsourcing


Let an experienced hand guide you in the design of the online store, with a careful study of UI/UX and the choice of the best management platforms.

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It supports you in entering, selling, and ranking on Amazon and the major Marketplaces.

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Integrated connection

Wizard of connection

Wizard of connection

Outsourcing your e-commerce means connecting to the platform of your choice using your corporate ERP.

T-Platform manages all integration flows with Payment providers, Couriers, Warehouses, Marketplaces, and ERP, e-Commerce platforms.


Outsourcing your e-commerce means interacting with your infrastructure in the best way possible. We do it in no time and flawlessly, thanks to our API T-Platform, which enables integration with ERPs and e-commerce platforms, whether open source (Magento, WooCommerce, PrestaShop) or enterprise (Shopify, SAP Hybris, BIG commerce, Salesforce).

T-Data Payment Gateway

The “T-Data Payment Gateway” plug-in is now available for Magento, WooCommerce and PPrestaShop. It allows for a plug-and-play connection to the shop’s cart, enabling multi-method and multi-currency payments, invoicing, and order fulfilment, with reduced time-to-market and development investments.


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Fill in the form to get a free consultation or information on how to outsource your e-commerce management.