eCommerce Insourcing
Bringing eCommerce and the control of your brand's digital and CX strategy back in-house
Many major brands with a consolidated online presence who have entrusted their eCommerce to a full-service provider or an e-tailer are considering bringing eCommerce back in-house by investing in technology and processes and hiring conversation managers, digital marketing professionals, and eCommerce experts. This way, they can fully control their online presence and how their customers perceive it.
Business needs

The primary goal is to achieve a customer experience in line with your brand.
Supporting high order volumes while maintaining acceptable business costs
Communicating with customers in different languages on their favourite channels and fulfilling tax and legal obligations for D2C sales.
The solution
Not all eCommerce service providers can offer a hybrid service. Many operators have a strong connection with digital advertising and marketing. That’s why they tend to promote mainly the full-service model.

T-Data is different. We focus on customer care and logistics and serve as a merchant of record. That’s why we’re the ideal partner for a full-service insourcing project.
Thanks to our experience in technological integration and infrastructures that can manage high volumes, we can help your brand seize eCommerce opportunities, providing the infrastructural foundations to build a direct relationship with your customers.

Our involved services
See them allUnleash your potential by choosing what to outsource using e-commerce and marketplaces.